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Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday - 4:00 PM
Sunday - 7:30 AM, 10:45 AM and 4:15 PM
Week Day Mass schedule:
Monday & Friday: 7:00 AM
Wednesday: 8:15 AM (Adoration Following 9:00AM-10:30AM)
Tuesday & Thursday: 5:00 PM
Confessions are typically heard Saturdays from 3:00PM to 3:30PM and Sunday afternoons at 3:15PM to 3:45PM.
*There will be no confessions on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday or Easter Sunday.
The Burlington Diocese will continue live-streaming daily mass at 12:05 pm and Sunday mass at 10:00 am at: and
Mass may also be found on Sunday morning at 5:30 am on WCAX.
The link to the diocesean daily and weekly masses is below under "From the Diocese".
The following is the prayer for making spiritual communion:
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
Weekly message from Deacon Tran
Hello, Dear Friends,
This is Deacon Luan Tran. I’m thrilled to announce that starting next week, I’ll be sharing a weekly reflection every Tuesday on our parish website and parish Facebook page. These reflections will cover a variety of topics, including Liturgical seasons, notable Saints, theological and moral themes, insightful books and articles, and special events within our community.
My hope is that this initiative will offer us a chance to stay connected, deepen our understanding, and support one another as we grow in our prayer life together.
Stay tuned, and I look forward to this journey with you all!
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For most recent parish news and announcements, you can view the parish bulletin on this website at:
7/8/24 - Please extend a warm welcome to Father Greg Caldwell, who is new to St. Monica & St. Augustine parishes as of July 1st. Father Greg comes to us from St Michael's in Brattleboro. He is originally from Essex, VT so he is much closer to home!. Welcome Father Greg!
6/3/24 - Feast of Corpus Christi Procession - "Body of Christ" after 10:45 AM Mass on Sunday (6/2)
5/30/24 - Annual Bishop's Appeal - Please note in-pew solicitations will be accepted the weekend of June 1/June 2.
5/17/24- First Communion will be celebrated at the 10:45 AM Mass this Sunday (5/19). Seating will be tight.
5/6/24 - Praise Jesus! Our prayers have been answered. We have a new Bishop for the Diocese of Burlington.
3/31/24 - Happy Easter! He is Risen!!
For a full view of all the Parish events/news, please visit the weekly bulletin posted on this website. Events also posted on Parish Calendar under "Resources".
Food Shelf Needs (4/13-4/14 Bulletin) - Any canned meats, beef stew, cream soups, cereal, instant potatoes, pet food and cheese. We can receive frozen items too. Thank you for your continued support!
Food Shelf Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays - 9:00AM-12:00PM
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