All classes are held on Sunday after the 4:15pm Mass. You will learn your children's classroom location during the meeting we hold at the beginning of the catechetical year. The calendar is occasionally updated with more info as we figure out dates and times of certain events. Everyone who is registered for Religious Education will receive notifications of updates.
The Religious Education Students in grades 3-6 and SM/SA Catholic Youth Group will be practicing the acting out of the Living Stations of the Cross. If you would like to participate in the Living Stations, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader (Abigail Beach) by using the contact info at the top of this page. We are seeking at least one person from our Youth Group to perform as Jesus because carrying the large cross is not something that the young children can/should do.
All parishioners are welcome to stay after Mass to watch this performance. All 7th-12th graders participating in this pageant must have attended the rehearsal on April 6th.
Saturday (May 10th) will be rehearsal for First Communion. Parents are encouraged to join us. We ask families to meet inside St. Monica Church at 11am. We will be going over what procession will look like at the beginning of Mass and the children will have a chance to practice their post-Communion song. They will also be practicing bringing up the gifts and doing the readings.
If you haven't already given us your banner, please bring it to the rehearsal this weekend. We will need these for marking pews at the First Communion Mass which is May 18th at 10:45pm.
This will be in the context of a Mass. Children will do the readings, responsorial psalms and gifts.
----- Preparation: We encourage you to bring your children to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation between now and the the 1st Communion Mass to ensure they are spiritually prepared to receive the Eucharist. Please contemplate and pray with your child about this beautiful Sacrament! This will further prepare their souls for reception of Jesus in the Eucharist.
----- Arrival: The Mass starts at 10:45 but we ask you to show up at 10:15am to the parish hall. It is very important to be on-time because it is difficult to predict the last-minute needs of the children. This is also a critical time to calm their nerves while also getting them excited for what is about to happen.
----- Etiquette: Everyone should strive to maintain a respectful atmosphere before and during Mass. This looks like silencing cell phones and ALL mobile devices. “Chit-chat” and “catching up” are sneaky temptation, especially if some family members arrive that you have not seen in a long time. Instead, it is good to prepare our hearts by praying before Mass.
----- Seating: There will be designated seating for the students and families marked by banners. Children will be in the pew closest to the middle aisle. Don't forget, you can use the pews on the side of the church if you need to! I will send out the seating chart tomorrow, so those who have not responded via email or text about how many people will be coming from their family will get one pew.
----- Recession: After the recessional hymn is finished, you can meet your children in the vestibule of the church. If you want, you can go back into the church to take pictures at the altar! There will not be a reception.
----- We are so excited for you and your children! This is a HUGE mile-marker in their faith journey and we are so beyond thrilled that all of you have kept the faith, faithfully passed on your values to your children, and made it to this point. We are proud of all you moms and dads!